Monday, December 10, 2012

No Lady Visitors

The History of Banking exam is done. It was a bear, but Roderick thinks he did okay.

Back in his room, he checks for Nigel Farage news. He likes this video.

Molly is studying hard for Counterpoint this evening, so she's not coming over.

Hmm, nothing to do.

Roderick calls his dad.


"Dad, it's Roderick."

"Hey, there."

"I'm done with exams."

"That's great! How'd they go?"

"Nailed Logic, and did pretty well on the rest."


"Hey, you remember Anna?"

"The tall girl, from Milan?"


"Yes, I remember."

"She got a perfect score on everything."

"Wow, smart lady!"

"And she didn't need 'special counseling' with the professors, if you know what I mean."

"Heh. I do know what you mean."

"Molly has her Counterpoint exam tomorrow, and then we come home."

"How's the Roadmaster running."

"It's great, Dad. With that automatic Dynaflow transmission, I don't have to shift for myself."

"Hey, guess who's coming to visit for the Christmas season?"

"Mr. Smiley?"

"Right, we just got his letter today." Mr. Smiley, Clothilde and little Alexander Smiley visit Beauneville twice a year, around Christmastime and in the summer.

"Well, I gotta go."

"OK, then. See you tomorrow evening."

Roderick has no lady visitors this evening, so he looks for more Nigel Farage videos, and finds this one.