Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lake City, Here I Come

Today is Laetare, the fourth Sunday in Lent. According to Wikipedia, repository of all knowledge, the day is also called Mothering Sunday, Refreshment Sunday, Mid-Lent Sunday and Rose Sunday. The name Laetare comes from the Gregorian introit for the day, Laetare Jerusalem: et conventum facite omnes qui diligitis eam: gaudete cum laetitia, qui in tristitia fuistis: ut exsultetis,et satiemini ab uberibus consolationis vestrae. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his quae dicta sunt mihi: in domum Domini ibimus.

According to Mr. Throb of the Theology department, who presents today's inspirational message, this translates roughly to "Hooray, the Easter Bunny cometh."

The Smiths and the Blooms attend service at St. Cecilia this morning together with Roderick, Molly, Anna and Megan. After the service, they all walk over to the Old Ivy Inn for brunch. Roderick sits next to his Dad at the big round table near the fireplace.

"How've you been?" inquires Mr. Smith of his son.

"Very busy," says Roderick. "I can hardly recall anything for the past two weeks. It's kind of a blur."

Brunch is delicious, except there is no scrapple since the Old Ivy Inn respects the "Hash for Lent" practice.

At two o'clock there is a special event on campus, the opening of the annual student show at the art gallery. Natasha has top placement this year on the strength of her "Molly" pictures. There is a small crowd gathered outside the doors of the gallery already when the Smiths, Blooms and company arrive. Roderick and Molly mingle; Mary Bloom sizes the crowd for potential tricks; Margaret does Soduku in her head. Catherine steps to the side, removes Mr. Fuzzums from her backpack and introduces him to the joy of sliding down a snow bank on his butt.

The doors open, and the crowd surges into the gallery.

Natasha's entries are immediately visible to visitors as they enter. There is the large painting of Molly with Megan's sex toy, plus a number of new sketches of Molly in seemingly post-coital postures. The crowd, however, seems most interested in the monumental work at the center of the exhibit, the one known simply as Molly's Ladyparts.

Mr. Bloom is impressed. He takes Molly aside. "Glad to see that you're finally putting out," he whispers.

"It's all in Natasha's imagination," says Molly.

Mary studies Molly's Ladyparts, then tugs on Molly's arm. "You should consider waxing," she says. "I go to Diva's Vijayjay Studio in Stapleton."

Natasha sees Roderick studying the sketches. She fishes for a compliment: "What do you think?"

"Nice renderings," says Roderick. "You capture her buttocks nicely. But the handcuffs seem a little over the top, don't you think?"

Natasha smiles pleasantly and moves on. What a philistine, she thinks.

That evening, Molly snuggles with Roderick. "I'm thinking that we should go ahead and 'do it'," she murmurs. "The entire campus seems to think I've been 'doing it' in spades."

"True," says Roderick. "But we have two years and a couple of months before the mandatory 'do it before you're twenty-one' rule kicks in, so no hurry."

Back in Beauneville, Mary Bloom lies awake in her bed and thinks about college; she looks forward to it. The market for her services is a bit small here in Beauneville. Mr. Bloom is a big help, of course, with his client referrals, but what girl wants to rely on her father for pimping? No, Mary wants the freedom of a big city.

"Lake City, here I come," she whispers aloud.