Sunday, December 1, 2013

Four-Part Fugue

Dorabella has to travel to Lake City today, so there is no Story Hour today at Dorabella's Bookstore. Instead, Dorabella posts this picture of a bunny:
Meanwhile, Mr. Smiley calls Mr. Smith to say hello.

"Sorry, Mr. Smiley, gotta run, on my way to Pacific City, will call later this week, OK?"

"OK," says Mr. Smiley, a little disappointed.

Roderick's phone rings. It's Lily Chang.


"Roderick, it's Lily."


"The Political Economy meeting is postponed to the middle of the week, do you mind?"

"Um, no, that's fine."

"So why don't you come over now."


"I'm completely naked."

"Aren't you chilly?"

"No, the thought of you has me in flames."

"I have to do some laundry this afternoon, maybe some other time?"

"OK," says Lily, a little disappointed.

"Who was that?" says Molly, who is sprawled on the floor with her Counterpoint book, completely naked.

"It was Lily. She's completely naked and wants me to come over."

"That's nice. Can you explain what retrograde inversion means?"

"That's where the you play the melody backwards and upside down."



Molly stretches. "Why did you tell her you have to do laundry?"

"It's just a ruse. She just wants to have sex with me."

"Really?" Molly squints. "Yes, I suppose that's possible."

Roderick calls Mr. Smith to say hello, but the call goes straight into voicemail. "Hi, Dad, thought I'd catch you before you leave, but I guess you've left already. Have a nice trip to Pacific City."

As soon as Roderick hangs up, his phone rings. It's Mr. Smiley. Roderick chats with Mr. Smiley while Molly writes a four-part fugue, making use of the retrograde inversion.