Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Loaded Question

Molly is happy to return home to her beloved Bosendorfer. On Saturday morning, Molly rises early, throws on some clothing and bounds downstairs to the piano, where she whips off the Beethoven Opus 22, Opus 26 and Opus 27 #1 sonatas before pausing to gaze at the keyboard.

"Breakfast is served!" It's Mary, the good daughter, who also rose early and made everyone a hot breakfast. Molly takes her usual seat and contemplates a plate of bacon, eggs and hash browns.

She seizes a piece of bacon and nibbles on it. "It's nice to be home," she murmurs.

"How was the food in Berlin, dear?" asks Mr. Bloom.

Molly shrugs. "Breakfast was non-existent, mostly. Roderick ate currywurst because they didn't have scrapple."

The Blooms marveled over the absence of scrapple in Berlin, deeming it rather philistine.

After breakfast, Molly sees that Mary left her new book of erotic art on the coffee table. Seeing a bookmark, she opens the book to the marked page:

"Hey, Mary, this looks like you!" laughs Molly, holding the picture up for all to see.

Margaret, who rarely speaks, is matter-of-fact: "Mary's boobs aren't that big."

Mr. Bloom, craning his neck to see the picture, laughs. "Hey, that's what implants are for! Right, honey?" He puts his arm around Mary and kisses the top of her head.

Bing-bong, the doorbell. Molly's expecting Roderick; they're driving back to Old Ivy this morning. He steps inside while Molly runs upstairs to get her bag.

Mary shows Roderick the picture. "Do you think this looks like me?" she purrs.

Roderick examines the picture, then Mary, then back to the picture. "Maybe you with implants," he says.

Molly and Roderick depart. Roderick steers the Roadmaster through the streets of Beauneville, then out on to the country road to Old Ivy. It snowed while they were in Berlin.

Molly snuggles up to Roderick on the bench seat. "Do you think I would look better with bigger boobs?"

Roderick recognizes this to be a loaded question, but answers honestly. "I think you look nice."