Monday, January 28, 2013


At dinner, Molly announces that she's starting to learn a new piece on the piano, Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit.

"Do you like it?" asks Anna.

"I don't know," says Molly. "It's very hard."

After dinner, Roderick sits at his desk surfing YouTube. He watches this video about Berlusconi.

Gosh, he thinks. That Berlusconi fella sure knows how to throw rocks at a beehive.

Molly knocks on the door and slips inside without waiting for Roderick to answer. Moments later, her clothing is on the floor (again, without waiting for Roderick).

"Look what I found," says Roderick, gesturing toward the computer screen. Molly is curious; she looks over Roderick's shoulder.

Together, they watch this video of Valentina Lisitska playing the third and final movement of Gaspard, (entitled Scarbo). For nine minutes, they watch, transfixed.

At the end of the video, Molly lets our her breath. "Phew," she says. "Those hands. It looks hard."

"She looks like you," says Roderick. "Except for that pink dress."

Molly agrees that the pink dress looks ridiculous. If Molly had her druthers she would perform in the nude, but it's generally not permitted.