Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mr. Smiley Just Smiles

Mothers Day. Roderick awakes in his room at home, where he's spending the weekend. To his left, Molly lies nude and prostrate. To his right, buxom and bubbly Megan snoozes. Taking care not to wake either girlfriend, he extricates himself from the pile, slips on his bathrobe and pads downstairs to make breakfast for his Mom.

Last Thursday, the Old Ivy Bach Chorale celebrated the Feast of the Ascension with a performance of Bach's Cantata BWV 11 Lobet Gott in Seinen Reichen (which translates as Praise God in His Kingdoms). Zack sang the Bass arias, a ringer sang the Tenor, Alicia Manly (who says she's not a lesbian) sang the Alto and Emily warbled the Soprano soli For such a special event, as is the custom, members of the Old Ivy Chamber Orchestra joined the performance; there were three trumpets, tympani, two flutes, two oboes (the Reed siblings), violins, violas, celli and one string bass. The bassist kept breaking into riffs on "A Night in Tunisia" during the breaks, but nobody joined in.

Buttocks were not fondled.

On Friday night, Roderick, Molly and Megan drove home in the Roadmaster. (Megan's car is in the shop, or so she says). Yesterday, the three of them puttered around, doing the things they usually do in Beauneville -- hanging out at Dorabella's, visiting with Mr. Smiley in the Cafe Venice, lunch at the Red Trolley, and such. In the evening, Megan wanted to sleep over.

Roderick thought it best to check with Molly. "Do you mind if Megan sleeps with us?"

"It's fine with me as long as you don't 'do it' with her."

"That would be awkward."

And so the three of them slipped under the covers. Molly cuddled on one side and Megan, ever hopeful, cuddled up against Roderick on the other side.

Roderick decides to surprise Mrs. Smith by cooking the scrapple for breakfast. "Happy Mothers Day!" he exclaims as Mrs. Smith arrives.

"Oh, thank you!"

"Why don't you just sit down and relax while I get this ready. Coffee?"

Mrs. Smith assents to a cup of coffee. The scent of scrapple has lured the other denizens to the kitchen. Mr. Smith shuffles in attired in his customary bathrobe; Megan arrives in one of Roderick's bathrobes, which is a bit too large for her; Molly arrives nude.

Roderick serves everyone from a huge platter with stacks of scrapple, while the diners pass a bowl of applesauce.

Mr. Smith takes note of Molly's absence of clothing. "Molly, are you warm enough?"

"Yes, thank you. It's a lovely day outside."

Everyone agrees that it is indeed a lovely day.

Megan feels a need to clear the air. "Roderick doesn't fuck me yet. He's promised to fuck Molly first."

Roderick agrees. "That's true. A pledge is a pledge."

Molly infinitely prefers the expression 'do it' over the word 'fuck', but the cat is out of the bag. "Of course, there's no guarantee that he will fuck you after he fucks me."

Megan just smiles. Roderick changes the subject. "Megan's quite taken by Wagner. She's working on a new production concept."

Mr. Smith is impressed. "Really? How interesting!"

"It's true," says Megan. "It's 'good-bye Jane Austen' for me. I'm exploring my German heritage."

"I thought the Cupcakes came from Slovenia" remarks Mrs. Smith.

Megan dismisses the comment. "Slovenia, Germany...whatever."

Meanwhile, Mr. Smiley, Clotilde and little Alexander attend the Church of Irony, where today's sermon is Motherhood and Apple Pie: Two of the Things I Hate About America. After the service, they attend refreshments in the lobby, where the other congregants insult them and make fun of Alexander. Mr. Smiley just smiles.