Sunday, March 9, 2014

Jesus Who?

Bach wrote no cantatas for Lenten Sundays, as it was the practice at the Thomaskirche to eschew music until Palm Sunday. Mr. Mendelssohn spends the season in Key West, and members of the Chorale sleep late on Sundays.

Mr. Blech of the Theology faculty presents today's inspirational message: "Benign Indifference or Utter Obliviousness: Towards A Theology of 'Nice'."

Meanwhile, Dickie Wickett hosts a housewarming for the new home he shares with Katie Zeppelin out on East Cidertown Road. He pulls Roderick aside. "C'mon, take a look at my new car."

Roderick follows Dickie through a hallway, then down a flight of stairs to a finished basement. Dickie opens a door at the far end and steps into a large immaculate white garage.

"Wow!" says Roderick.

"It's a 1950 Jaguar XK 120," says Dickie, proudly. "I bought it with Bitcoins."

Roderick is kind of interested in this whole Bitcoin thing. "I hear that you're running a Bitcoin exchange."

"That's right," says Dickie. "It's more lucrative than search engine optimization, and Katie can run on her own."

"So how do Bitcoins work?"

"Simple. People give me money, and I give them Bitcoins."

"Then what?"

"Nothing. They keep on giving me money and I give them more Bitcoins."

"What happens when people want to redeem their Bitcoins?"

"Heh. I give them more Bitcoins."

"And if they want to convert Bitcoins to cash?"

"They go to another exchange."

Roderick makes a mental note to look into this whole Bitcoin thing.

Mary Bloom arrives in her new J.C.Penney Sassy and Slutty outfit. Katie welcomes her. "Love your outfit," she coos. "What happened to the 'pure and unsullied' look?"

"Well," says Mary, "I'm not a virgin anymore so I guess I'm a whore."

"If the shoe fits. Drinks are over there, help yourself."

Roderick arrives to chat with Katie. "How're things at Lake City?"

"I dropped out. We're making a mint with the website and Bitcoin exchange."

Roderick and Molly drive back to Old Ivy in time for the Sunday evening lecture. Mr. Vinkle of the Philosophy faculty presents his research on religion in Scandinavia, the title of which is "Jesus Who?"