Friday, June 18, 2010


On Friday afternoon, Roderick helped Natasha study for the Latin final. Since Natasha was new to the school, and had transferred in the middle of the year, it made sense that she needed some extra help, seemed to Roderick that she had no trouble with the material.

Natasha was feeling chatty, and lingered. Roderick didn't mind.

The doorbell rang at 5 -- it was the Blooms, per usual, for the Friday night walk to the Red Trolley Diner. Roderick said goodbye to Natasha; she waved as she walked backwards down the driveway, then turned and ran home through the back yard.

The Smiths and the Blooms walked down Elm Street: Catherine in the lead, skipping, followed closely by Margaret; then Mary Bloom, Mrs. Bloom and Mrs. Smith; Roderick and Molly; Mr. Bloom and Mr. Smith.

Molly noodged Roderick. "I think Natasha's...interested in you."

"Get out of here!" laughed Roderick, and he noodged Molly right back. There followed a spate of noodging, which ceased only when they both fell laughing and sprawling into Miss Knickerbocker's petunia patch.

Roderick pretended to ignore Molly's comment, but he was curious.

Business was brisk at the Red Trolley Diner when they arrived. They waited a few minutes for their table to open -- the big table at the back of the trolley.

Stella serves breakfast and lunch at the Red Trolley, but Stella's cousin Bella and her "friend" Peaches serve dinner. Bella is big-boned, brawny and tough; you don't mess with Bella; Peaches, on the other hand, is lovely and kind.

By luck of the draw, their waitress tonight was Bella.

"OK, what are you people having?", Bella demanded, her pencil hovering over her pad.

They ordered:

Catherine: Hot Dog
Margaret: Hot Dog
Mary: Chicken Pie
Molly: Salad
Roderick: Cheeseburger
Mrs. Smith: Blue Plate Special
Mr. Smith: Blue Plate Special
Mrs. Bloom: Blue Plate Special
Mr. Bloom: Blue Plate Special

At the Red Trolley Diner, the Blue Plate Special is always delicious, but experienced customers know that one must not ask what it is in advance. The proprietors consider this insulting, and will not serve you if you do.

Tonight, the Blue Plate Special is liver and onions.

After dinner, the Blooms went home, but Molly came over to Roderick's and they watched Godard's Breathless -- Molly's favorite movie -- on the computer in Roderick's bedroom. When the movie was over, Molly stretched langorously.

"OK if I sleep over?", she asked.

"Sure", said Roderick.

So she did so, in the guest room across the hall from Roderick's room, where Mr. Smiley used to sleep.

Roderick put his pajamas on and lay in bed. It was raining outside, and he could hear the rain going pitter patter on the roof. He thought about Natasha -- Molly's remark make him reconsider those moments when Natasha seemed to linger -- and he thought about Molly. He wondered if she slept naked. The thought made him smile, and he fell asleep.