Saturday, August 14, 2010

An August Saturday

In the morning, Megan Cupcake, who is redheaded, buxom and bubbly, arose from her bed, opened her secret detailed journal and wrote furiously about the previous evening.

Roderick bounded out of bed, ran downstairs to the kitchen for some scrapple and applesauce, then off to Mill Pond. A hot saturday in August. Perfect for canoeing. Roderick figured the boathouse would be busy.

Molly Bloom slept until 7:30. She woke, stretched, stepped out of bed, stretched again, then threw on her gi and ran to the dojo for karate class.

Mary Bloom, who is the good daughter, helped Mrs. Bloom cook and clean the house. Then she ran next door to Mrs. Peacock's house. Mrs. Peacock is quite up in years and has a hard time managing . Mary made breakfast, and cleaned the house; she then helped Mrs. Peacock to the sun room, sat and read aloud from Elsie Dinsmore novels. Mrs. Peacock beamed. "You're so good to me, you remind me of Elsie Dinsmore". Mary blushed.

Margaret Bloom, the quiet daughter, spent the morning doing sodoku, at which she is devilishly good.

Catherine Bloom spent some quality time with Mr. Fuzzums.

In her backyard, Bibi lounged naked in the sun, in a lounge chair. Thanks to the hedge surrounding the Ericson property, Bibi has complete privacy from prying eyes, except for those in the second or third floors of the several surrounding homes.

Betsy Flapper put the finishing touches on the Canoeing issue of Slut! magazine. Actually, she did no such thing. Members of her entourage did the actual work, while Betsy camped out at the Cafe Venice and supervised. The latest issue features timely and relevant content for sluts who want to canoe. Examples include:

-- Waterproofing Your iPad
-- Sex in a Canoe: How to Kama Your Sutra and Not Get Wet
-- Jeweling Your Vijayjay

That last topic has nothing to do with canoeing, Betsy just loves this new trend.

Natasha and Henry took turns drawing each other in the nude. Natasha was no longer concerned about "artist's courtesy".

At Zeppelin Drugs, Katie Zeppelin restocked the dental floss.

Knuckles slept.

As soon as Molly got home from karate, she sat at the Bosendorfer and started her scales.

Mrs. Peacock fell asleep midway through Elsie in Nantucket. Mary covered her with the afghan and went home to help Mrs. Bloom make dinner.

Bibi tired of sunbathing, threw on a shirt and shorts and walked to Mill Pond to see Roderick. She arrived during a slow period, and Roderick was happy to chat.

Megan Cupcake needed a few items at Zeppelin Drug, and some ammunition from the hardware store. She walked to Zeppelin's first, and chatted for awhile with Katie. She carried her Glock. As she left the drugstore, she saw Sarah Flapper park her enormous SUV with reckless disregard for the fenders of adjacent vehicles.

At quitting time, Roderick helped Mr. Armstrong stow the canoes. Bibi was still hanging around. Roderick invited her over for dinner.

Meanwhile, at the Blooms, Mrs. Bloom served Tofu Surprise. After dinner, Molly returned to the piano to work on the Hammerklavier, Margaret challenged Mr. Bloom to a game of chess, Catherine played with Mr. Fuzzums and Mary helped Mrs. Bloom wash the dishes.

When the kitchen was clean, Mary went next door and checked on Mrs. Peacock. She made her something to eat, then helped her upstairs to bed and read aloud from Elsie -- but only for a few minutes, because Mrs. Peacock fell asleep almost immediately.

Mary went downstairs, washed the dishes and put out some food Mrs. Peacock could eat for breakfast. Then, she slipped out and walked briskly through the August evening towards the Mill Pond in search of sex.