Sunday, September 23, 2012

Drop-Off Day

On Sunday morning, the Smiths and the Blooms arise early and eat breakfast in the sun room of the Old Ivy Inn. Roderick eats scrapple and applesauce.

At nine in the morning sharp, they drive in a convoy (consisting of Mr. Smith's Studebaker Commander and Mr. Bloom's Buick Roadmaster) to the Old Ivy Campus, proceed along the curving driveway and around back to the door of East Quad, where Molly and Roderick will room. There are no signs. Everyone knows where to go, because everyone reads the directions. Those who attend Old Ivy College understand that it's a good idea to read directions, because there will be nobody around to help if you screw up.

With much huffing and puffing, Mr. Smith, Mr, Bloom, Roderick and Molly tote their bags to the third floor, where Roderick and Molly have adjacent rooms. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Bloom unpack stuff and organize the rooms. Mary Bloom checks out the campus market for paid sexual services. Margaret Bloom solves differential equations. Catherine Bloom, Mr. Fuzzums and Miss Kitty have an imaginary tea party under the Thinking Tree.

Mr. Prendergast, the Resident Advisor for East Quad, stops by Roderick's room. "You're here for orientation, right?" he inquires of Molly and Roderick.

They nod.

"Here", he says, and tosses them a copy of Old Ivy Rules and Regulations. "Read this. Classes start tomorrow morning." He departs.

Roderick opens to the "Dormitory" rules and reads:

Gentlemen will refrain from spitting inside the building, except in the cuspidors provided.

He closes the book and returns to unpacking.

When all is unpacked, the Smiths and the Blooms hug their offspring and depart.

Back home in Beauneville, Mr. and Mrs. Smith sit in adjacent armchairs in the living room, reading. Knuckles snoozes on the rug. The cats seem unperturbed, going about their business without so much as a "never-you-mind". But Laddie seems upset over Roderick's absence, searching the house high and low. He returns to the living room and lies down next to Knuckles, whining slightly.

Mr. Smith pauses and looks up from his book. "It's not the same here without Roderick", he muses.