Friday, September 28, 2012

Not-Zaftig Odalisque

There is a room at the East end of the Old Ivy Main building called the Conservatory, so named because the morning sun floods the room through large windows. There is a large collection of potted plants, orchids, lemon trees and such, but the most prominent feature of the room is the Bosendorfer Imperial Grand piano, the kind with 97 keys. Access to the room is strictly limited; Mr. Clementi teaches piano in this room, and certain of his students -- including Molly -- are permitted to practice here.

Molly arrives early, unlocks the door and enters. Her eyes widen; the piano is a beauty.

She sits, and adjusts the bench. Touching the keys reverently with her long graceful fingers, she pauses, then launches Beethoven's Opus Two F-Minor Sonata. The piano sounds darker or richer than a Steinway; the extra notes at the bottom of the keyboard resonate sympathetically even when not struck, adding additional body to the tone.

Meanwhile, Roderick knocks on Mr. Strnk's office door; there is no answer. Inquiring of the secretary, he learns that Mr. Strnk is again out today. He wonders if Mr. Strnk exists.

At the shooting range, Megan whips off a couple of clips. Pausing at the end of the round, she examines the target. Ten shots, ten in the bull's eye. She's quite pleased with herself.

Around eleven-thirty in the morning, Roderick meets Molly under the Thinking Tree. It's customary to refrain from talking near the Thinking Tree, so others may think. Roderick sits on the ground under the tree, his back to the trunk, and puts his hands on the ground just so. Molly sprawls.

They think for awhile.

The Kissing Tree stands farther down the Quad. It's customary for couples to kiss when sitting beneath the tree. Roderick and Molly will visit the Kissing Tree, but not today.

There is another tree beyond the Kissing Tree, standing in the meadow that slopes to the river, where the tall grass offers some privacy. We shall not elaborate about what it is customary to do under this tree, which shall remain nameless for the present.

Oops. Molly is late for Human Figure class; she waves to Roderick and runs to the studio, where she quickly sheds her flannel shirt and jeans. As the students gather round, Mr. Ingres, the instructor, asks her to lie on a couch in the center of the room. She does so, like a not-zaftig Odalisque.

Under the Thinking Tree, Roderick's reverie is interrupted by the Prelude to Die Walkure played at ear-splitting volume. Mr. Pfaltzgraff is feeling frisky.