Sunday, September 30, 2012

When Roderick Wakes Up Sunday Morning...

When Roderick wakes up Sunday morning, Molly is curled up in his arms. He sits up slightly in bed. Molly groans the way people do when they're waking up, stretches like a cat then snuggles up tighter, her blue eyes wide open. Roderick thinks Molly is beautiful. She really is, especially so when nude and snuggled up.

"Megan Cupcake wants to be my girlfriend", he says.

"That's nice", says Molly.

"You don't mind?"

"No, not at all. Just remember our pledge."

"I remember."

Some people think Molly is cold and unfeeling. In fact, the opposite is true, as anyone who has ever heard her play Schubert's A-Minor Piano Sonata D. 845 -- the one that closes with a diabolical Rondo in Allegro Vivace, which Molly plays like a whirlwind. Listen to Molly play Schubert and you feel her passion.

Of course, the guys who hit on Molly and come up empty-handed don't generally hang out in the concert hall. For the most part, they are guys who witness her modeling in the nude for Human Figure class, or guys who know other guys who witness her modeling in the nude for Human Figure class, and interpret Molly's willingness to openly display her lovely breasts and private parts as a desire for sexual contact with anyone who asks.

Many of these guys are familiar with Molly's sister Mary, who is not only willing but eager to indulge with any guy who proposes the right sum of cash. Hence, you can understand that Molly's disinclination to cavort with these same gentlemen is often taken as a lack of feeling, especially when you consider that the more aggressive lads risk a well-placed karate kick to the groin.

Hence, the scuttlebutt about Molly among a certain set boils down to (1) she's incredibly gorgeous and tempting, but (2) she's a cold bitch who will bust your balls.

The real truth about Molly is simply this: she has no interest in passing dalliances, and she is completely one with Roderick in a manner that is beyond analysis or explanation. It is simply a fact that they have always been together as long as they can remember, and neither can imagine a commitment to anyone other than one another. This transcends labels. Molly doesn't care if Megan wants to be Roderick's girlfriend, because Molly knows that Roderick has exactly one girlfriend.

Molly's faith in Roderick is well-placed. He will never violate the pledge they have with one another to be each other's "first". He can't imagine breaking this pledge, because Roderick will do anything for Molly and would never do anything against her.

He does, however, like the look of Megan's ample cleavage and wouldn't mind putting his head down on it.

In the afternoon, Megan comes over to Roderick's house so the three of them can work on syllogisms. There is much work to do: Mr. Spinoza teaches logic by immersion, and has assigned many syllogisms to work out. Molly may be passionate, but syllogistic logic escapes her. Megan has a flair for gossip and a literary bent, but she is hopeless at rational thought. Roderick helps them both.

Megan writes little love notes to Roderick on her worksheet. Roderick smiles kindly.

After Sunday supper, it's back to Old Ivy in Megan's Mustang. Before leaving, Roderick gives Knuckles and Laddie a hug, but the cats are out and about and unavailable for hugs.

Back in East Quad, Megan has a large suitcase, which Roderick totes to her room. She invites him in to sleep over, which he does whilst keeping his pledge to Molly.