Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Saturday in July

Megan Cupcake in a wet t-shirt.

With a Glock.

Roderick woke up.

The Zemlinskys returned from Sao Paulo last night. Natasha, clutching a partially completed full length sketch of Henry Witherspoon sans clothing (Adonis, Rising) padded into her mother's office. Mrs. Zemlinsky sat at her desk, typing busily on her seventeen inch MacBook Pro.

"Mama, this is my drawing of Henry Witherspoon. He wants me to pose nude for him, but I don't think I should because know. What do you think I should do?"

Mrs. Zemlinsky didn't look up. "Mama is busy right now with this proposal. Run and play with that nice friend of yours...what was his name, Henry?...and call Dr. Adler if you're feeling upset. Talk to Papa if you need a bigger credit limit on your Visa".

Natasha does not need a bigger credit limit on her Visa.

Saturdays in July are the busiest time at the boathouse, and Roderick likes to help out. Mr. Armstrong likes to say that on a July day you can walk across the lake on the gunwales of the canoes. That's not true, strictly speaking -- Mr. Armstrong is fond of metaphor. Donny Clapper tried it one time, after partying with the Badminton Boys (as the varsity team is known) but this was a failure of the sort known as epic.

The parents and teachers of Beauneville agree that Donny's cataclysmic venture may be attributed to Donny's lack of intelligence and breeding, and not to consumption of alcohol or other intoxicating substances. The youth of Beauneville do not partake in alcohol or intoxicating substances.

At least not during the day.

Crowds arrived early at the boathouse, for it was a scorching day. Roderick and Mr. Armstrong worked quickly to carry the wooden canoes out of the boathouse, set them into the water and help the guests board and depart. The canoes are heavy, and the work is hard; Roderick likes chatting with the prospective canoeists as the arrive, who are all ages, shapes and sizes. Dorabella arrives with Zelda Witherspoon; Zelda is quite svelte, but Dorabella needs an extra-wide. Mr. Armstrong helpfully suggests that Dorabella sit in the stern.

It's hot. Roderick takes off his shirt.

Megan Cupcake arrives with her school chum, Tina Snitwood. At school, Megan and Tina are like peas in a pod, though they are temperamentally like fire and ice. Megan is bubbly, buxom and uncomplicated; a typical Pisces, she is a joiner and secretly craves to be protected. Tina, on the other hand, is giggly; a typical Sagittarius, Roderick thinks she is about three steps removed from the loony bin.

Megan and Tina have dressed for their canoe adventure. Megan wears a green halter top that accentuates her buxomness, plus greenish shorts and flip-flops. Tina favors hot pink -- hot pink armless tank top and hot pink sweat pants, which she peels off to expose hot pink bikini briefs. Roderick notices that Megan has her omnipresent bag, and wonders: cupcakes, Glock or both? Roderick thinks Megan is full of surprises.

Megan is bubbly and buxom. Tina is giggly and slim.

"Hi, Roderick" (giggle, giggle)..."nice chest". Megan touches Roderick's right pec with her pointed right index finger, then leans forward on tip toe and whispers something very intriguing.

Roderick retrieves a canoe and helps Megan and Tina board. Megan wants extra help, bending over unsteadily; Roderick assists, and enjoys the view.