Friday, September 24, 2010


The reader may well wonder what happened when Justine went to visit Mr. Swift. Had Mr. Swift adopted an approach to education similar to that employed by Miss Agassiz?

He had not. Justine knocked on the door to his office, and entered when Mr. Swift responded. The owlish Mr. Swift reviewed the paper with her and kindly explained each error.

He did take the opportunity to gaze secretly at Justine's fully exposed legs -- she wore shorts; and when she bent over to pick up her books, well, let's just say he was transfixed.

The outcome for Miss Blythe, however was less fortuitous. In the evening, Mr. Swift logged in to his blog, Tales of Wragby Hall, and continued to write.

Lord Butterworth was pleased to hear Mr. Cameron's report that Miss Pilkingham's progress in her studies was excellent, and that her behavior and comportment was modest and ladylike at all times. He was less pleased to hear that Miss Blythe's work was less than commendable, and her behavior at times slatternly, in the manner of Wessex country girls who lack manners and breeding.

"You may convey to Miss Blythe my displeasure", he said, "and inform the maid that should she persevere in her current course I shall be forced to chastise her in a manner most severe."

Cameron found Miss Blythe seated on a bench in the gazebo. She rose nervously as Mr. Cameron approached.

"Miss Blythe, I wish to convey to you a message of a personal nature from His Lordship. May I ask you to attend with me now in my chamber?"

Miss Blythe seemed nervous. "Sir, may I ask what sort of message?"

"Miss Blythe, the nature of the message will be revealed to you in private, but kindly make haste to my quarters."

They walked quickly through the gardens to the conservatory, and then to Mr. Cameron's room. They entered, and he shut the door quickly. He turned to address Miss Blythe, who stood twisting her handkerchief.

"His Lordship wishes me to convey to you his displeasure at the dilatory nature of your studies, and to inform you that should your studies and comportment continue in the current manner, His Lordship shall be forced to chastise you."

"T-t-to chastise me?"

"Yes. Severely."

Miss Blythe burst into tears. "Oh, sir, what am I to do? I'm just a poor innocent country girl from Wessex, with no understanding of the manners and customs of Wragby Hall."
Mr. Swift thought the 'poor innocent girl' line was starting to get old.
"Oh, shut up and stop whining" snapped Cameron.
No, thought Mr. Swift. Out of character and anachronistic. Rewrite.
"Miss Blythe, I charge you to end this display of emotion and comport yourself in the required manner, or I, too shall be forced to chastise you."

Miss Blythe cast herself to her knees and pleaded. "Oh, sir, I beg you! Please, have mercy! I'm just a poor innocent girl..."

"Miss Blythe!", said Cameron, in such a manner that the lass immediately stood up, wiped her face with her handkerchief and stood quietly, wide-eyed and fearful.
Now, thought Mr.Swift, the crucial moment.
Cameron approached Miss Blythe and looked her up and down in a manner most ungentlemanly. "There is a way, you know...", he murmured.

Miss Blythe stared at him, uncomprehendingly. "A w-w-way?"

Cameron now stood so close to Miss Blythe that his intent was clear even to a poor country girl from Wessex with no understanding of the manners and customs of Wragby Hall. "In return for certain...favors...I might be persuaded to...make certain alterations to my report to Lord Butterworth."

"F-f-favors?", said Miss Blythe, blinking furiously.

"Indeed", said Cameron. "Perhaps you would like to remove your bonnet?"

"B-b-but Lady Butterworth says that a lady must never remove her bonnet in a gentleman's presence unless she is escorted".

"Lady Butterworth is correct", said Cameron. "But you are no lady, Miss Blythe, you are merely a slatternly country girl from Wessex, who has committed solecisms and must be corrected." His tone grew darker. "Now be as so kind as to remove your bonnet, or I shall be obliged to chastise you."

"S-s-sir, I beg you, I know not the meaning of the word 'slatternly'"

"In that case, Miss Blythe, I shall demonstrate the implications to you."
At this moment, there was a loud knock on the door. Mr. Swift logged off, walked to the front door and opened it, to discover Miss Agassiz in a tight black minidress with black leather boots.

"Hello, dear", said Mr. Swift, reaching out to embrace her.

"Shut up, slave!", said Miss Agassiz, pushing past him into the house. "Get me a drink!"

Mr. Swift obediently did so.

"Now", said Miss Agassiz, shaking her long hair free, and placing her hands on her hips, "let's get more comfortable."

Meanwhile, at the Red Trolley, the Blooms and Smiths gathered for their weekly repast. As usual, Roderick sat between Molly and Mary on the big semi-circular bench.

Roderick noticed that Mary was sitting comfortably. "No spanking today?". he inquired.

Mary seemed puzzled. "No, and I don't know why. Miss Agassiz asked me to see her after school, but she wasn't there. So tonight.." she wiggled her bottom to demonstrate, " bottom's OK". She smiled at him slyly.

"You have a nice bottom", said Roderick. Molly noodged him, hard.