Saturday, September 25, 2010

Roderick's Busy Saturday

Roderick awoke on Saturday morning and found that Molly was next to him in the bed, which wasn't too surprising since she was there when he fell asleep last night. He slipped out of bed, dressed, and padded downstairs, where Mrs. Smith was making breakfast.

"Good morning, Roderick!" said Mrs. Smith.

"Good morning, Mom!", said Roderick. "What's for breakfast?", he asked in jest, as if the menu was uncertain.

"Scrapple and applesauce!", said Mrs. Smith, wryly. "Just like every other day!"

"I knew that", said Roderick, smiling. He sat down at the table next to Mr. Smith, who was sipping coffee and reading the newspaper.

Mr. Smith set aside the newspaper. "Good morning, Roderick."

"Good morning, Dad".

"How was the bowling party last night?" Although every parent in Beauneville knows that the Friday night "bowling party" is simply a pretext for teens to go to Stapleton and do teen things, Mr. Smith feels he is expected to maintain the fiction.

"Oh, it was fine. Molly and I went for a walk and smooched a little". Where social fictions are concerned, Roderick doesn't always get the memo.

Molly padded into the kitchen in bare feet, hair disheveled; she wore the same shirt and shorts she wore last night. She exchanged her customary smiling non-verbal greet with Roderick -- if you didn't know the two of them, you wouldn't see it -- and waved to Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

"Good morning, Molly!" said Mrs. Smith, piling a double portion of scrapple and applesauce on Molly's plate. "You must be hungry."

Molly nodded and dug in to the plate of scrapple. Molly is always hungry.

In contrast to Mr. Bloom, Mr. Smith does not pry into the intimate affairs of others. Thus, while he noticed Molly's dishevelment and the special closeness between Roderick and Molly, he did not ask them about their sexual relationship, the presence or absence thereof.

He wondered to himself, but did not ask.

The reader may also wonder. The answer is: not yet. The reader will be the first to know.

Meanwhile, Mr. Swift sat gingerly at his breakfast table, sipping coffee. His buttocks hurt where Miss Agassiz -- Mistress Rene -- had flogged him.

Molly had to go home to get dressed for karate. Roderick puttered around a little, did some homework and read more Thucidides.

Around eleven in the morning, the doorbell rang. Roderick answered; it was Mary Bloom, dressed in her customary "schoolgirl" outfit.

"Um..hi, Roderick...I was wondering...can you help me with my homework?"

Roderick tends to be a pushover for such requests, especially from attractive sexually active girls in "schoolgirl" outfits who look at him with big helpless pleading eyes and ask nicely.


They sat down at the dining room table and spread out Mary's books. They worked on Science homework first, and when that was done they turned to History. Mr. Clio assigned the class to write a research paper on some aspect of ancient civilization.

"Have you decided what to write about?", asked Roderick.

", I haven't", said Mary, fidgeting.

"Is there something about ancient civilization that interests you?"

"Yes, prostitution", said Mary, brightening. "Did you know it's the world's oldest profession? It says so in Wikipedia"

"Well, if it says so in Wikipedia, it must be true", said Roderick.

They spent some time researching the history of prostitution. Roderick did the research, and Mary sat very close to him, eyeing him adoringly and trying to attract his attention.

They finished for the day, and Mary prepared to go. She stopped by the door and stood very close to Roderick. "Sometimes people have sex for free, you know", she said.

"Yes, I've heard that".

Mary gazed up at him. "You wouldn't have to give me money or anything".

Roderick coughed. "That's very kind of you".

"And I won't tell Molly".

Roderick coughed again. "Um...". He waved goodbye as Mary departed. What a nice girl, he thought. So generous. Not like some of the sluts in school.

After lunch, Roderick worked some more on his own homework. Just after two, the doorbell rang. Roderick answered; it was Juliette Goodheart.

"Hi", said Roderick. "C'mon inside." He was pleased to see Juliette -- she seems nice and is quite good looking.

Juliette stepped in to the front hallway. "Um...I was wondering if you did the Science homework yet?", she asked.

"No, I was just about to do it".

"Do you mind if we do it together? Science is really hard for me".

", not at all. Let's go into the dining room." Roderick is a pushover for such requests, especially from attractive girls with shoulder-length light brown hair and a nice figure. He wondered if Juliette was sexually active.

In the dining room, they worked on the Science homework. It wasn't that difficult. Roderick concluded that there were two possibilities: either (a) the request for help was a pretext to visit, or (b) Juliette isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

They went into the kitchen for drinks.

"So, are you sexually active?" asked Roderick.

"What, do you mean today?" countered Juliette, and they both burst out laughing.

After dinner, Roderick went over to Megan Cupcake's house. She had invited him over to work on Latin. Per usual, when he arrived he discovered that Mr. and Mrs. Cupcake were nowhere in sight, and Megan wanted to "study" in her bedroom, on her large bed.

"Where are your parents?", he asked, as he sat down on the bed.

"Oh, they went to Lake City for the weekend", said Megan, snuggling up to him, "and I'm feeling very lonely, if you know what I mean, in case you want to sleep over."

"Aren't you and Bibi a number?" asked Roderick. It was an open secret around school that Megan and Bibi were, well, doing it. Actually, their relationship wasn't much of a a secret at all, since Megan's "What I Did Last Summer" essay was mysteriously posted to the internet. Roderick wasn't exactly sure exactly what it was they were doing, but Megan's recent YouTube upload, Lip Service with Bibi offered a few clues.

Megan laughed. "Oh, no", she said. "We just like to have hot lesbian sex when we're bored." Megan then launched into a graphic and detailed description of everything that she and Bibi had done, including a number of things that Roderick had never heard of, and at least one that he hadn't realized was physically possible.

"That's nice", said Roderick. Secretly, he was glad that Megan was merely a situational lesbian.

Roderick and Megan studied Latin for awhile, then Roderick slept over. He kept his boxers on.