Sunday, October 28, 2012

Completely Chaste

Sunday morning. Roderick disentangles himself from the pile of limbs that is his bed and, virtue intact, steps over to the dresser and withdraws one of the dozen neatly folded identical white Oxford button-down shirts Mrs. Smith buys from Wickett's Bazaar Online. He places the folded shirt on top of the dresser and grabs one of six identical pairs of khaki-colored pleated pants -- also from Wickett's Bazaar -- and pulls them on over a fresh pair of underwear.

As he unfolds the shirt, the pile of flesh on the bed stirs, moans, and Emily extricates herself. Roderick threads his arms into his shirt. Emily, nude, pads over to him and helps him button the front buttons.

Wow, she thinks. He sings, he knows Logic, and he dresses well.

For today's service, the Bach Chorale plans to do the Bach cantata BWV 109 Ich glaube, lieber Herr, hilf meinem Unglauben!. Roderick and Emily need to get over to the St. Cecilia Chapel; Emily dresses quickly and they depart, leaving Megan sprawled naked in a snoring heap, holstered Glock resting on the table beside the bed.

"Good morning, Anna," says Roderick. They meet Anna on the path behind the church. Ever the lady, she wears a pretty floral dress and looks gorgeous as always.

"Good morning!". Anna waves to Roderick and Emily. Strange, she thinks. She feels curiously attracted to Roderick. Must be that innate biological attraction of women to men who sing.

The service goes well. Zack stands behind Emily and, while Mrs. Dowager sings the Alto solo Der Heiland kennet ja die Seinen, inserts his hand beneath her skirt and explores. He is pleased to discover that she wears nothing underneath; Emily is not displeased.

Returning to the Quad, Roderick bumps into Molly, who is on her way to the Arts building. It seems that she has a private session with Mr. Splatter, modern artist in residence, who wants her to smear chocolate sauce and raspberry jam on her nude body before he does her portrait.

It occurs to Roderick that Molly is the only person he knows who can indulge the most perverse fantasies and still remain completely chaste.