Saturday, October 13, 2012

Miss Pearly's Preferences

In the back seat of Megan's Mustang, Roderick holds Molly's hand as they return to Beauneville. Anna sits up front and chats with Megan, who pretends to make small talk but really wants to know details of what goes on behind closed doors at Ecole Vevey.

Earlier this morning, Roderick and Molly discussed whether or not they should "come out" as a couple. The discussion went like this:

"Should we 'come out' as a couple? You know, boyfriend and girlfriend.."

Molly squeezed Roderick. "That sounds nice."

And so they decided to 'come out' as a couple. But when? And how? To be determined...

Meanwhile, Roderick has an appointment for a cleaning with Dr. Cuspid, the dentist. After a short wait the hygienist, Miss Pearly, ushers him into the chair. He relaxes while she pulls his file, checks his x-rays and fiddles with her tools.

"OK, let's get started," says Miss Pearly. She leans forward, and Roderick opens wide; she picks away at his teeth, pausing now and then to look at the x-ray.

"So how do you like Old Ivy?" she chirps.

"Unnggggh ungh unghhhh". By his facial expression, Roderick says that Old Ivy is fine.

"I graduated from there two years ago."

"Unnnnngggghhhh?" Roderick tries to say "Really?"

"Yes, I loved it. I sang in the College Choir and the Bach Chorale. Loved it. Mr. Mendelssohn is a wonderful conductor."

Roderick thinks this is interesting. He wonders if Miss Pearly is like the other women who sing.

"I sing alto."

So much for that. Fortunately, Beauneville, like Old Ivy College, is a safe place for altos.

Miss Pearly finishes and kindly Dr. Cuspid enters the examination room, shakes Roderick's hand, picks up the x-ray and squints at it.

"So how do you like Old Ivy?" he queries.

"Oh, I like it a lot," says Roderick.

"I loved it there. Best place to go to school anywhere. But I'll give you a tip, though -- if you want women to throw themselves at you, join the chorus. Women are irresistibly attracted to men who sing."

"Thanks for the tip."

Dr. Cuspid checks to see that Miss Pearly is out of earshot, then whispers. "But don't bother with the altos. And if you really want to score, hit on the girls who model for Human Figure class. Total pushovers."

Later in the afternoon, Roderick, Molly and Anna go over to Natasha's studio. Continuing her work in the style of the Dusseldorf School, Natasha wants Molly to pose in the manner of Karl Ferdinand Sohn's Mathilde Wesendonck, except without clothing. Molly readily agrees, sheds clothing and strikes the pose. Natasha sketches while Roderick and Anna chat about stuff.

Roderick's cell phone rings. He doesn't recognize the number. "Hello?"

"Hi, Roderick, it's Emily."

Roderick searches his memory. Emily, Emily, Emily....oh yes, from Bach Chorale. He affects his cool alpha male demeanor. "Hi, how're ya doing?"

"Want to come over and see me?"

"Well, um, I can't right now."

"It's just me here, by myself, and I'm not wearing anything."

"I'm glad that you're comfortable."

"I just put my hand between my legs."

Roderick is beginning to wonder where this call is going. "It's good that you have some privacy."

"Now my hand is wet."

"I understand that's natural."

"I really want you to come over."

"Maybe another time." Roderick explains that he is in Beauneville right now and can't simply pop over, but perhaps he can take a raincheck. He hangs up.

"Who was that?" asks Anna.

"Emily from Bach Chorale, just calling to tell me what she's doing this evening."

"All of the sopranos were talking about you the other night. You've caught their eye."

"And you?"

Anna flushes. Knowing that Roderick sings, she can hardly keep her hands off him. But she learned well at Ecole Vevey to communicate elliptically. "Well...."

Natasha finishes sketching and Molly returns to her clothes. Roderick, Molly and Anna say goodbye to Natasha and walk back to the Smith's house, where Anna will sleep in the guest room and Molly will sleep with Roderick.

Cuddling under the comforter, Roderick squeezes Molly. "Did you know that Miss Pearly at the dentist's office sings alto?"

Molly turns to face him. "No, that can't be true. I saw her in church last week with a man."

"That was her cousin Bogart." Bogart is well-known in the local community for his lack of table manners.

"Oh." Molly is silent for a moment. "Well, I guess you just can't tell sometimes."

Roderick nods. "Yup. But hey...whatever floats your boat, right?"

Molly stares off into the moonlit room for awhile. Wow. Miss Pearly an alto. Who would think? Mary will love this story.