Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Part of the Human Figure

Mr. Ingres' Human Figure class is done for the day. Molly pulls on her jeans; no underwear. She puts one arm into her flannel shirt, then the other sleeve, buttons the top button and then the rest from top to bottom.

"It's Molly, right?" She looks up. It's Albert, from the Dining Hall the other day.


"Um, I was wondering...would you model for me privately?"

"I'm kind of tied up right now."

"Not now, later. I was thinking this evening, around seven."

"OK, where?"

"In my room."

"You paint in your room?"

"It's a nice room."

"OK." Molly is pleased that so many young men are interested in drawing the human figure.

Meanwhile, Roderick and Megan sit together in his room. Roderick works on Logic and Megan daydreams.

"I want to tell you something" says Roderick.

"What's that?"

"Molly and I have announced that we are officially a couple."

"That's wonderful news!" Megan hugs him.

"You're not upset?"

"Upset? Of course not. Why would I be upset?"

"Because you said you wanted to be my girlfriend."

"I am your girlfriend. Just because Molly is your girlfriend doesn't mean I can't be your girlfriend, too. Molly's your first girlfriend and I'm your second girlfriend."

"Oh." Roderick has to admit, Megan's logic is impeccable, but he can't help feeling that perhaps she has overlooked something. An interesting question to ponder, though...exactly how many girlfriends can one have? Is there some limit? For the moment, Roderick decides that there is a limit, somewhere around seven.

Megan gathers up her stuff. "I have to head over to Literature Workshop." She hugs Roderick again, pressing her ample breasts against Roderick's chest. "Now hurry up and do it with Molly, so you can do it with me."

At lunchtime, Molly sits with Roderick, Anna and Megan. "One of the art students asked me to model for him privately."

Always on the prowl for something potentially salacious, Megan is curious: "Really? Who? Where?"

"Albert. He sat with us the other day at breakfast."

Roderick remembers. "He had drawings of you in his notebook. Nice renderings, but the shading and form need work."

"Right, that's the guy."

"He wants to get into your pants." Megan, with her sharp eye for human motivation, cuts to the quick of things.

Molly frowns. "I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you saying he's dishonest?"

Megan backtracks. "No, of course not." Beaunevillians do not accuse others of dishonesty without clear evidence; Megan may be slightly crazy and a bit of a slut but she is, at heart, a Beaunevillian. "It just struck me that he was curiously interested in your private parts."

"And why shouldn't he be interested in my private parts?" sniffs Molly. "It's all part of the Human Figure."

Megan really has no response to this, since she is also interested in private parts.

At seven that evening, Molly knocks on Albert's door. He opens. "Oh, hi, come on in."

"Where is your easel?" asks Molly as she steps in to Albert's room.

"Oh, we're just sketching today." Albert waves his sketchpad.

"OK." Molly sheds her clothing. "Where do you want me to pose?"

"Why don't you relax on the bed there."

Molly pushes her waist-length hair back over her shoulders and stretches out on the bed in Odalisque fashion, then sits up again. "What are you doing?"

Albert is in the process of shedding his clothes. "I'm more comfortable sketching without my clothes."

"Oh, OK. Molly relaxes again on the bed. She totally understands why people are more comfortable doing things while naked.

Later that evening, Roderick snuggles with Molly under the comforter in his room. "How was your session with Albert?"

"It was OK", says Molly, clutching Roderick's arm. "Maybe a little creepy."

"Did he hit on you?"

"No, but still..." She turns to Roderick and kisses him. Roderick kisses back. They snuggle.