Friday, October 12, 2012

Human Figure Girls Are Easy

Friday morning: Molly slips out of Roderick's room early so she can get some quality time with the Bosendorfer.

A little while later, there is a knock on the door. Roderick rises sleepily, dons his bathrobe and opens the door. It's perky and pert Emily Scharf; today, her long brown pigtails are beribboned in pink. Emily launches herself into Roderick's arms with an extended smooch, murmuring "you make me so hot, I want you to do me right now."

Fortunately, Emily is quite a bit shorter than Roderick and about a hundred pounds lighter, so Roderick catches her and manages to hold on so that the two of them do not collapse in a heap.

"Um, I think I'd like to get some breakfast", says Roderick, setting Emily down gently and deftly exchanging his pants for his pajamas without removing his bathrobe.

"Oh, can I come with you?" begs Emily, as she helps him button his white oxford button-down shirt. Gosh, she thinks to herself. He sings, he knows logic and he wears white oxford button-down shirts.

"OK", says Roderick. They walk to the Dining Hall, where Roderick fills his plate with scrapple and applesauce. He spies Anna sitting by herself and, trailing Emily, carries his plate over to Anna's table and sits down. "Anna, do you know Emily from Chorale?"

Anna waves. "Hi."

Emily waves back. "Hi."

"So you're joining the Chorale?" says Anna to Roderick.

"Yes, I think so."

Anna smiles. "I didn't know that you sing, too." Odd. She feels strangely attracted to Roderick.

Roderick continues to eat his scrapple and applesauce.

After Rhetoric class, Roderick bumps into Zack Hagen, from Chorale. "Hey, it's me, Roderick!"

"Hey, Roderick!"

They exchange the secret handshake of men who sing in the Bach Chorale, then chat about stuff.

"Do you like singing in the Chorale?" asks Roderick.

Zack shrugs. "It's not about the singing, it's about the nookie."

"The nookie?"

"Yes. Ever notice how women get really horny when they sing in chorale?"

Frankly, Roderick has never noticed any such thing, but being a true son of Beauneville he doesn't want to openly disagree. "Um...sure."

"So do the math. There's a couple of dozen of them and only three of us. That spells d-e-s-p-a-r-a-t-i-o-n. Plus, once the women who aren't in Chorale see other women chasing you, they will want to join the hunt. Stay in Chorale and women will line up at your door."

At this moment Candy Whistlethorne passes in the hallway. "Hi, Zack", she coos. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Roderick, Candy. Candy, Roderick."

Candy steps closer to Roderick. "I'm so glad you've joined the Chorale" she whispers, tracing her left hand along Roderick's arm. She departs.

Zack smirks. "She's ready to have your baby."

Roderick is flattered, but he isn't sure he wants a baby just yet. He feels he has learned an important lesson about College Life. "I had no idea that Chorale girls are easy."

"But you know who's really easy? The girls who model in Human Figure class. Total pushovers. I took painting last year and I tell you it was a party. Think about it! A girl who is willing to display her pink bits in front of a bunch of guys isn't going to say no."

Well this is a stunner, thinks Roderick.

Later that evening, Molly comes over and, per usual sheds her clothing. In the darkness, they cuddle.

"My friend Zack says that girls who model in Human Figure class are easy", says Roderick.

"What does that mean?" whispers Molly.

"I'm not sure," says Roderick.

Molly kisses him for a very long time, longer than ever before.