Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Confidential Sources

Overnight, Megan Cupcake rockets to second in hotness on Dickie's website, thanks to a candid full frontal snapped as she emerged from the shower at Beauneville Latin. Megan has mixed feelings about this. She was hoping to drop a few pounds before doing full frontal, and there is the question of royalties. On the other hand, there is a certain buzz to being second only to Miss Agassiz in hotness.

Mr. Cupcake has a different view of the matter. He is furious, storms into the office of the Headmaster at eight in the morning and demands a meeting. The Headmaster, Mr. Archibald Edward Manley Mann -- "Chip" to his friends -- readily grants this demand, noting that Mr. Cupcake is strapped. He offers Mr. Cupcake a cup of coffee and a chair; Mr. Cupcake declines the former and accepts the latter.

Mr. Mann listens patiently as Mr. Cupcake rants about his daughter's honor and virtue and privacy and stuff. When the angry father finishes ventilating, Mr. Mann gently points out that he has no control over private websites run by students on their own time, and since Megan is sixteen there appears to be no violation of laws against "sexting", but he will be happy to discuss the matter with Dickie and get right back to Mr. Cupcake.

Dickie arrives for his meeting with Mr. Mann escorted by attorney Byron Flatts of the Free Press Institute. Mr. Flatts informs Mr. Mann that Dickie obtained the pictures from a confidential source, and under the recently enacted Press Shield Law there is no way, no how, that Dickie will disclose his source. Because he is a responsible journalist, protecting the public's right to know which girls are hot.

By telephone, Mr. Mann consults with Mr. Cupcake. The matter is regrettable. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. If he knew who took the picture, he could take disciplinary action, but with Dickie lawyered up that doesn't seem to be an option. Signs will be posted in the locker rooms warning students to watch out for candid cameras. He suggests looking at the matter on the bright side: Megan's personal brand is strengthened, and she will likely get more requests for dates.

Mr. Cupcake hangs up and pays a brief visit to the Wickett household. The matter is settled without recourse to litigation: Dickie agrees to take down the pictures and Mr. Cupcake agrees not to shoot Dickie.

Megan comes over to Roderick's house after school to work on homework for English, Latin, Math and Science. There is much to do, and they spend all afternoon working, so Roderick invites Megan to stay over for dinner. She accepts.

The Smiths like to eat dinner in the dining room, at the nice table. On the menu tonight: Medaillons Braises de Porc, Compote de Pommes and Petites Choses Vertes. (It's roast pork, applesauce and little green things; Mrs. Smith is taking a French cooking class).

Mr. Smith sits on the South end of the table, Mrs. Smith on the North end, Roderick and Megan together on the West side.

They're using the nice china today.

Mr. Smith compliments Megan on her picture. "Very nice picture, Megan. Was it taken in the Girl's Locker Room?"

Megan is chewing. "Mmmph".

Roderick asks: "Megan's in a picture?" He was reading about dividend discounting models last night and didn't check his email.

Mrs. Smith nods. "On Dickie's website. It's a nice full frontal".

A full frontal of Megan in the shower sounds intriguing to Roderick. He often thinks of her in a wet t-shirt. "I'll have to check it out", he says, with considerable enthusiasm.

Megan has swallowed her medallion of pork. "My Dad made Dickie take it down. He said it offends my honor and virtue", she says, giggling.

"That's too bad", says Mr. Smith. "It's a nice picture".

"It's OK. I just wish people in school didn't see how heavy I am".

"Not at all, dear", says Mrs. Smith. "You have a lovely figure. Men don't like sticks." She winks at Mr. Smith, who smiles.

After dinner, Roderick and Megan return to his room and finish their homework. Megan excuses herself to go to the bathroom; when she returns, she has discarded her clothing in favor of one of Roderick's bathroom towels.

"What about you, Roderick? Do you think I have a lovely figure?". The towel falls to the floor.

Roderick looks up from De Bello Gallico and smiles. "I sure do."

The scene that follows will not be described in detail. Suffice to say that Roderick and Megan had a very pleasant time together, and Megan stayed the night; but Roderick did not violate his pledge to Molly.