Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Room Assignments

At precisely six on Wednesday morning, a message appears on Mary Bloom's iPhone. It's a robo-mail from Dickie Wickett reminding her to wear underwear today. Mary's phone does not vibrate because she remembered to shut it off before bed last night.

Mary is exhausted this morning. Yesterday, when she went to see Miss Agassiz, she expected a simple punishment, humiliating but quick. Instead, she was ordered to wash Miss Agassiz's jet-black Porsche Boxster with a sponge and bucket while Miss Agassiz stood over her and demanded she work faster. When she finished the job, Miss Agassiz donned white gloves and inspected the car minutely. Finding a smudge, she demanded Mary repeat the job from stem to stern.

Then, when the job was finished, Miss Agassiz punished her for taking so long. "These are the new rules, Miss Bloom", she whispered tersely as Mary awaited punishment. "You are now responsible to keep my car spotless at all times."

"Yes, Mistress Rene" murmured Mary.

After all that, she had to go to Roderick's house to ask him to write a History essay for her. It was terribly exhausting to watch him work.

Miss Agassiz rises early on Wednesday morning, showers, admires herself in the mirror briefly, chooses an Hermes blouse to wear with her tight black miniskirt and sits down at the kitchen table with a pile of permission slips for the field trips. She wants to post room assignments today, and needs to work quickly.

The first several are easy. Molly wants to room with Roderick, Roderick wants to room with Molly. Done. Roderick's a good kid, she thinks. She's not so sure about Molly. Her sister's incorrigible.

Henry wants to room with Natasha, Natasha wants room with Henry. Done. Not sure what he sees in her. She's getting fat and throws up a lot.

Betsy Flapper wants to room with her entourage. OK. Too many for one room, but some of them can sleep on the floor. Same with Donny Clapper and his entourage.

Bibi wants to room with Megan. Megan wants to room with Roderick. Problem. Roderick's already assigned, so put the lesbians together. Maybe I'll pay them a visit and catch them doing something naughty.

Martha Blick writes a note on her permission slip:
Please put me in a room with a girl because I'm shy with boys and don't have brothers or anything like that and I'm afraid that if I room with a boy I will be embarrassed and humiliated because my breasts aren't very big yet.
Miss Agassiz draws a big red "x" through the note and writes GENDER DISCRIMINATION in big block letters. Time to grow up, sister she snorts. Martha will room with Jock Ericson.

Dickie Wickett wants to room with Katie Zeppelin. Katie wants to room with one of the cool girls. Miss Agassiz snorts. She'll be lucky if the girls let her on the bus. Stick the slut with the nerd.

She finishes the rest quickly, stacks the slips, grabs her briefcase and walks to the car. Pausing briefly, she inspects the finish. Examining the left front fender, she frowns. A smudge. A certain someone needs a little motivation.