Thursday, October 28, 2010

Enormous State University

On Saturday morning, everyone gathers after breakfast for the bus ride to Enormous State University, where they will attend an admissions information session and watch the ESU Bulldozers play football versus the University of Lake City Quants.

Seating on the bus is as before: Betsy Flapper and her entourage, followed by Donny Clapper and his entourage, followed by a group of students including Roderick and Molly, Henry and Natasha, Megan and Bibi, Martha and Jock. In the rear, Dickie Wickett and Katie Zeppelin, sex partners and retail aficionados nuzzle contentedly.

Roderick snuggles with Molly. Last night, after Miss Agassiz left, Roderick snuggled under the covers with Molly. She was nice and warm. He wondered: is tonight the night? Raising himself on an elbow, he peeked over Molly's shoulder; she was snoozing. I guess not.

Martha Blick cuddles up against Jock. Last night, Martha's fears and inhibitions struggled with Martha's desires. Desire won out. The rest of the night would best be described as an irresistible force meeting an insatiable object.

Miss Agassiz drives separately in her black Porsche Boxster, but this time Dirk Feelgood rides along. Roderick thinks that at breakfast, Miss Agassiz seemed...subdued.

Thankfully, nobody tries to sing 'ninety-nine bottles of beer...".

It takes about an hour to get to Enormous State University; when they arrive, the bus turns into a large parking lot and, halts with a hiss of brakes, disgorges the class. Shortly after arriving, Natasha disgorges two platesful of breakfast pancakes, bacon, sausage and home fries onto the sidewalk.

ESU's Admissions Center is a great hangar-like structure, lit up like an arena. The Beauneville students file in and take their seats in the balcony overlooking a stage in the center of the structure. There is a large banner that reads: ESU Spirit.

Suddenly, the arena darkens, and a single spotlight picks up an attractive young girl, who runs to one side of the stage, flings out her arms and shouts: "I'm Leslie and I have ESU Spirit!"

Another spotlight picks up a handsome young man, who runs to the other side of the stage, throws out his arms and shouts: "I'm Manfred and I have ESU Spirit!"

A young African-American girl runs onstage: "My name is Shabazza, and I have ESU Spirit!"

"My name is Jose, and I have ESU Spirit!"

Finally, a small band of young people wearing ESU sweatshirts runs on stage and forms a circle together with Leslie, Manfred, Shabazza and Jose, all facing out. On cue, they all drop to one knee, fling out their arms and shout: "We have ESU Spirit!"

Raucous recorded music breaks out, and several guns on stage shoot confetti into the crowd. A loud voice booms over the speakers: "Ladies and gentleman, at center stage, your ESU Admissions Host and Hostess, Dick Wood and Anna Crusis!"

Tumultuous applause breaks out as a young collegiate-looking man and young collegiate-looking woman make several laps around the circular stage, waving and smiling to all. As the applause dies down, they go to the center of the stage and perch perkily on high wooden stools.

"Isn't it great to be here, Anna?"

"It sure is, Dick!"

"And what a great bunch of students we have here today! C'mon, Anna, let's have a round of applause for all these fine students...". Anna claps wildly as the crowd breaks out into a fresh round of applause.

"We have a great program today, Dick!"

"Do we, Anna? Tell me about it!"

"Well, for starters, we have that wonderful film Aim for the Stars at ESU."

"Oh, I love that film. I feel like I'm in Hollywood!"

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's roll it!"

"Okay! But first, everyone check to make sure that your cellphones and other devices are on 'vibrate'. And remember that there is no smoking anywhere on ESU campus. Also, if you are physically, emotionally or mentally disabled, blind, hearing impaired or not tall enough to see over the people sitting in front of you, ESU is required by law to accommodate your special needs. The special needs half of the arena is on my left, normal people on my right".

There is a huge hubbub as everyone in the arena gets up to change seats. Dick shouts over the bedlam: "SPECIAL NEEDS TO MY LEFT, NORMAL PEOPLE TO MY RIGHT!"

Finally, the crowd settles, the lights dim, and a film showing a group of ethnically mixed young people in ESU shirts standing on a mountain appears on the enormous screen. The young people look up, their faces bathed in moonlight, as they point upward towards the stars...